[RBOD-1] Only Give Up Match 1 [FINAL]

Tale of the Tape
Minako Shirasaki: T:153 cm / B:80cm / W:58cm / H:80cm
Mana Miyabe: T:160 cm / B:87cm / W:63cm / H:90cm
When it comes to different types of battle works, it seems as if the earlier periods of the companies had a lot of variation. Today will be showcasing such ideas, as the company created the "Only Give-Up" series. After looking around the comments section on TMs blog, it appears that the Japanese fans prefer submission finishes rather than pinfalls. As a fan of the latter, there seems to be a select few BATTLE films I can claim as a personal favorite. While not every finish ends in a pinning combination, but there is enough to keep this libertine satiated.

In this contest, we have Minako and Mana squaring off in the ring. After beating up on some male jobbers, they look to test their submission skills on each other, to see which one will come out victorious.

Minako is in the ring, wearing an orange Speedo suit with pristine white knee and elbow pads. Matching pale ring shoes with gray stripes complete the outfit. Mana dons a black Speedo with matching colored knee and elbow pads. The shoes are similar to Minako, except black with hot pink stripes.

The match begins with Minako taking charge, bringing her opponent down after evading a roundhouse kick.

Grabbing her rival's leg and flipping her over, Minako goes for the camel clutch as Mana cries out in anguish. What shows an adept sense of camerawork is the zooming in on the faces of the competitors. Selling of the move blends the impression between reality and fantasy, giving the viewer the sense that there was no script of any kind.

Mana clamors for the ropes, but Minako pulls her back into her submissive clutches. The ref makes his appearance known.

"Give up?" he asks the struggling Mana, who manages to let out of grunt of rejection.

Minako tries to maintain the hold, but Mana escapes.

Both competitors adjust their outfits as they stagger to get back up to their feet. Minako charges at her rival, looking to keep the momentum on her side, but Mana dodges the attack.

Forcing Minako to the ground, Mana begins stomping her opponent's feet. Minako tries to scurry away, but Mana catches her and puts her feet on the ropes. She adds in a couple more stomps for good measure as Minako tries to break away.

Both competitors are panting as if they are out of breath. Mana keeps to the onslaught coming as she snatches Minako's legs and flips her over into a Boston crab. Minako cries out as Mana continues to apply the submission.

The referee comes around again, asking if Minako wants to tap. Refusing, Mana applies more pressure as the camera shows different angles of the action. After a few moments, Mana releases the submission, looking to use a different strategy.

Minako gets dragged back into the center of the ring. When Mana was about to apply another move, Minako kicks her in the stomach.

With both girls on the canvas, Minako tries to get up, only to have Mana react faster, pushing her back down onto the ring floor.
Mana grabs the leg of Minako again as she struggles to set up another submission. Does she get it this time?

Minako manages to squirm away again, knocking Mana down to the mat! Trying to grab hold of her is like trying to catch a fish out of water. Mana goes for the third attempt. Three times a charm as she delivers a couple of stomps and…

Another reversal! Now Minako is back on offense! The back and forth pace of the match adds extra excitement to an already stellar affair.

With Mana on the mat again, Minako scuttles over to her opponent, applying a neck scissors. Mana flails around, trying anything to break free from the hold. Minako is having none of that, gritting her teeth to apply more pressure.

Mana grabs on Minako's kneepads. Will she escape? Will she tap?
The ref appears again. "Give up?"
"No!" comes the muffled voice from behind the thigh muscle of her rival.

Both are now shaking like leaves on a tree, as one competitor tries to maintain dominance while the other seeks to take revenge. You can cut the tension and exertion with a knife! When it seems to be all over, Mana starts to punch Minako's knee. What is going on?

A distraction! Mana breaks free!

She runs to the opposite side of the ring, still trying to get her bearings while Minako recovers. Stumbling over the weight of her delirium, Mana picks at her outfit. The cameras tend to focus on the action, but why not showcase everything?

Minako and Mana circle each other in the ring with a staredown, looking for an opening. When one expands. Another contracts. And vice-versa. Minako attempts a kick, but Mana dodges. Mana replicates the attack but swings at air. This charade continues for a few moments more as both competitors scan each other for weaknesses.

One jump cut later, Minako and Mana lock up into a test of strength, seeing who is the stronger of the two. They let out their frustrations and exertions as both try to resist the other. Who will win this skirmish?

Mana catches a break, pushing her opponent backward. This sudden change of motion knocks Minako briefly off balance, letting Mana get the upper hand. A standing headlock is applied, forcing Minako into a defensive squirm. Trying to break free,

Mana refuses to let go, forcing her rival down to the mat. The standing technique becomes a side headlock as Mana wrenches on Minako like a loose screw. Minako whimpers, not sure what to do and how to escape. Minako slaps the mat; her elbow pad begins to slip down her slender, well-toned arms, offering little protection against the neck technique.

Mana lets go of the technique, which Minako sees as an opportunity to escape. However, the chance to run away is thwarted as Mana grabs the legs of her opponent. More stomps pepper Minako, as Mana is unleashing her aggression. Minako tries to crawl away again, but Mana grabs her leg again. What is happening now?

Placing her leg on the lower rope, Mana continues to stomp on the injured limb.

This move is different, however, since Mana uses her entire body as a guillotine, landing on the exposed leg of Minako. Minako doesn't know how to counter as the shots pile up into an unbearable assault.

Resting her limb on the rope, Mana takes off running in the opposite direction, adjusting her suit in the process. Mana leaps into the air and executes another guillotine drop on Minako, causing her to cry out in anguish.

The match seems to be heavily in Mana's favor.

Mana and Minako are both panting as if they walked a desert without water.

Taking large gasps of breath, Mana pulls her opponent to the center of the ring once again. More of the same, perhaps?

Mana looks to be going for a leg lock, but Minako reverses the move, kicking her opponent down to the mat! Have the tables turned? Both competitors stumble their way back to their feet. Mana feints, pretending to go for a kick, which causes Minako to flinch.

Crashing back to the mat, Mana takes advantage of her fallen opponent, grabbing hold of Minako's leg once again. What technique does she attempt? Minako fights hard, trying to resist, but Mana is not letting go this time around. The submission is locked in what seems to be a standing leg lock. Minako cries out, taking out her frustrations on the canvas floor. Will this be the deciding technique? Another kick from Minako sends Mana to the mat! Both girls are exhausted from the match at play. Mana seems to have expended all her energy. Why can't her opponent submit? Minako hasn't put up that much offense of her own, so it should be an easy win, right?

Both submission experts are down on the canvas, drawn and spent. Yet they continue to press on, sizing each other up in the ring. Going for another lockup, Mana delivers a kick to the midsection. Minako is down again! But wait…

Mana is not going for the submission again, lifting her groggy opponent back to her feet. What is going on?

Mana flings her rival to the ropes and begins to stomp her some more, tenderizing Minako into a beaten lump of nothingness. Although Minako hasn't fought back for some time, you have to admire her toughness. Mana seems to be giving her all she can take, but Minako keeps coming back for more.

Minako looks beaten as she slinks into the corner of the turnbuckle. Mana sees this as an opportunity, grabbing onto Minako's leg and placing it outside the ring.

Mana slams the leg onto the ropes, adding onto more of the destruction of Minako. Battered and broken, Minako continues to take endless punishment.

Mana lifts Minako to her feet and executes a chokehold from behind the rope.

Mana locks in her submission, as Minako seems to be in trouble. Is this the end finally? Pushing Minako away, Mana attempts to enter the ring but…

Minako seizes her opportunity to strike. すごい!(Amazing!) How could she continue after experiencing all of that?

Now it is Minako's turn, punishing Mana in the corner of the ring. Body attacks and knee strikes are the go-attacks, as Mana is dazed and reeling from the sudden switch in momentum. Minako slinks her prey under the ropes, executing a rope choke of her own! The tables have turned, indeed.

After a few moments, Minako pulls Mana out from the ring ropes, and drags her to the middle of the squared circle.

Another chokehold!

Mana is in pain as she clamors for the ropes. She drags the lighter Minako to the side of the ring, signaling a break from the referee. Where has she been all this time? LOL

Minako pushes her adversary around, taking revenge from the past assaults. However, she doesn't seem to have much stamina left as Mana slips past Minako's guard and is back on her feet. Minako also gets up, drained and delirious. They lock up again, but Minako manages to get Mana down on the mat.

She tries to set up several submissions, but nothing seems to work. Mana gets Minako off her and tries to escape.

However, Minako is back on her like a lion catching a gazelle in the savanna.

Back on the mat again, Minako tries to implement another technique. Will she be successful? Mana proves herself to be slippery, escaping again.

Back on their feet, Mana kicks Minako, but it doesn't stop her from moving forward.

Minako pushes Mana back down. It looks as if she is going for an armbar, but Mana showcases her skills in evasion. Minako cannot seem to get a grip on her opponent.

Back on their feet again. Mana kicks Minako again, but it isn't enough to take her down.

Minako responds in kind, knocking Mana to the mat. Slumping her body on top of Mana, it looks like she can finally get off a move.

Indeed! Side headlock! Mana lets out an exasperated wince as she kicks the mat in frustration. The referee enters the frame again.

"Give up?"
"No!" the protest is immediate.
Asking once more, Mana stubbornly refuses. The show goes on!

Mana tries pulling on the arm of Minako to release the tense grip of the submission, but Minako wrenches on her rival's neck, increasing the force of the move.

Moments pass as Mana manages to slip away.

Getting to her feet quicker than Minako, Mana stomps on the side of her competition. Minako sinks back onto the mat in agony.

Mana guides her opponent back to the ropes, executing more guillotine body stomps. Minako is taken aback.

She had Mana dead to rights. How could she come back?

Mana grabs hold of Minako again and flips her over. She cries out from exhaustion, locking in a single leg crab. Minako is in a world of hurt now.

Mana gets up, still holding on to the weakened limb. What is going on now? Mana drives the tattered leg of Minako into the mat with a crashing thud. Minako lets out screams of pain and confusion.

Minako tries to squirm away, but it is no use. Mana has a firm grip of her leg.

The attacks pile up as Mana continues the charge. She even adds a few stomps to make sure Minako stays down.

Mana takes advantage of the momentum, wrapping Minako's leg in an unusual bundle. What technique is this, I wonder?

As Mana seats herself on the canvas, she attempts to execute a hold. Minako tries to resist, but Mana's leg proves to be heavier. Minako has no stamina left, as her arm gives out.

The submission is dialed in. A figure-four leg lock!

The referee asks once again if Minako wants to tap, only to be refused before he could even finish his sentence. Minako is in hot water. Mana is giving out as well. The looks to be down to the wire. Mana is weakening her grip on Minako. How will this end?

Just as Mana was loosening her hold out of exhaustion, Minako suddenly taps! In an instant, it is all over as the bell rings and the referee interferes to break the submission.

Mana slowly rises to her feet. Minako is laying on the mat for dear life, wilted, pulverized, and panting in sweat-soaked depletion. Mana tries to catch her breath as well, almost collapsing to the canvas if not for the referee holding up her hand. She had done it. Mana is victorious.

Despite the conclusion being that of an "only give-up" match, enthusiasts will be charmed at the sheer effort of both performers. Giving their all for the win, Mana and Minako win the hearts (among other things LOL) of those watching the action in the ring. In English, we have a saying that sometimes it is not the size of the competitor in the fight, but the size of the fight in the competitor. For both Mana and Minako, this idea is absolutely true.
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